AND FUTURE JOURNAL ENTRIES: If you have arrived at this page, I hope you
have come to learn more about John
Stephenson, U. S. Senate Candidate for the Commonwealth of Kentucky. So first,
let me say to each of you who are visiting, “Welcome!” I am June
Geiman-Stephenson; wife, critic and
best friend of
John’s political past. Let’s start with his first political race for
Agriculture Commissioner in 1975. I was not part of that race, but had I been,
we would have definitely lost the “white hat” image John was portraying with
his 10 gallon hat! Did John win that race? Nope! Two millionaires entered the
race and John could not afford to continue at the age of thirty and he withdrew
his candidacy.
John ran for State
Treasurer in 1987. This race was my first political campaign experience. All
that I can say is, “What an eye opener!” The work and the energy that is
necessary to run a political race can be mind boggling and overwhelming at
times; particularly in a race that is statewide and especially, if you are
running on a “shoestring”; not that of hundreds of thousands or even millions
of dollars that we see in races today statewide and nationally.
So John tried again in 1992 when he ran for Superintendent of
Public Instruction and guess what, he won!
John is a former advanced government teacher and he felt extremely
passionate about the education system of
CHALLENGED: John was a lifelong Democrat and he loves
many, many dear people who are Democrats today. He finds great value in many of
the philosophies of the Democratic Party but one thing that John cannot not
adhere to, or be in support of, is
abortion; in any form, for any reason.
John felt his only recourse to continue to fight against and to try to stop abortions
in our nation was to join the Republican Party. John will “cross the aisle”
anytime, on behalf of lives of the Innocent, the physically “tested”,
intellectually challenged, the elderly, and the mistreated. John lives every day as an advocate for
anyone who calls on him for help. He loves to help and he loves to serve.
John is not motivated by “paybacks” or “agendas”. John is simply a
servant. You will discover this fact as
you peruse John’s professional resume on this web site. John’s heart for advocacy is one of
the many things that attracted me to him so many years ago. John’s waistline
has changed and John’s hairline has changed, but his heart to serve has not
changed in the twenty six years that I have known and loved him.
John Will Make Things Happen: I want to share with
you, from my own personal experiences, how John has been my greatest advocate
for years, particularly during a long period of a decade, when I could not
speak for myself. After graduation from
For almost five years I was treated for Ulcerative Colitis. Following multiple surgeries and biopsies,
specialists and surgeons were finally able to make the diagnosis of Crohns
Disease. To this day, I still become tearful when I recall how John was and has
“been there” for me. I thank God every day for John. He was and is my advocate and my voice in so
many ways. John was there when I could
not help myself from procuring necessary
health care services, medical
supplies, extensive amounts of
prescription drugs, to the many and endless phone calls every day for years.
Through it all, John never wavered and he made things happen.
During long periods of days, and weeks and even month long hospitalizations, my
precious husband John, found the time EVERY DAY, without fail, after long days
of fighting on my behalf, to arrive at my hospital room, regardless of the time
of day or night, just so he could be at my bedside, to hold my hand and to
assure me that things would work out.
I greatly admire John for who he is. He is loyal and
compassionate and he loves people.
John wants the best for every person in our Commonwealth and in our
nation. He believes in fairness for all. John’s motives have never
been for personal ambition or gain. He is driven by the desire to see
justice and fairness for all; THE VOICE FOR MANY. He is selfless and
patient and consistent. Many people find it hard to believe that this is
how John truly ticks. When we first met, I was a skeptic! Believe me, as John’s wife of twenty one years; he is for
real! I live with him day in and day out. John is patient and he is
kind. John is honest to a fault.
He is also a man of mercy.
BELIEVE me, I KNOW! John is
not judgmental and he embodies love. John loves
Now, to “safeguard” John from falling into the trap of “how great thou
art”, I am compelled to share with you, that we, like every married couple, are
not perfect. Although, John and I do
kiddingly remark to each other, from time to time, just how perfect we are and
“why can’t everyone else be like us”! I am reminded of a great story I heard
about Ruth
TIME TO MAKE A “U-TURN” IN OUR NATION: In each of John’s previous
political races, he was “running against someone else”. The race for
God has not changed, His words and commands do not change,
regardless of any political correctness. God judges nations today as He did
thousands of years earlier. Don’t kid yourself otherwise!
PROOF IS IN THE PUDDING: I have an important question to ask everyone
who believes in and fights for and prays about the right to life of the
Innocent. Why is it that our current, and long standing lawmakers, who profess
to be supporters of Right to Life , have yet to fight with the same tenacity
for the unborn as they have recently fought either for or against Health Care
Reform? Why haven’t these “longstanding” lawmakers fought as aggressively and
as passionately for the unborn in pushing through a Human Rights Amendment?
They could. God’s words say, “ye shall know them by their fruits”. Our country cannot afford to be manipulated
any longer by the “ear tickling lip service” of politicians who do not follow
through on their promises with regard to abortions. For too long Godly men and
women and organizations have been lied to and deceived for a vote. Our nation
needs a voice that will not be silenced; a voice who will not be intimidated by
any one person or organization, small or large and a voice that will not back down
in order to protect their career. Our nation and our great Commonwealth will
only be great again when we begin sending people to Washington that are not
afraid to speak the truth in love and not bend to the “established” powers to
very personal with each of you, one citizen to another. John and I PERSONALLY
UNDERSTAND the economic plight of our nation. We do know what it is like to
work hard and yet lose almost everything. Following almost a decade and a half
of excessive medical costs for health care needs and services, John and I are
to the point of facing personal foreclosure and bankruptcy. Believe me when I
share with you, “we do understand how you feel, because we are right there,
right now, ourselves.” I am not
ashamed to share these facts. We know what it is like to have doors closed on
you and to be given the “perpetual runaround” in seeking guidance or
direction. John and I fully operate in
faith in God to lead us and to guide in all matters of our life, every minute,
of every day.
IN CLOSING: I want to encourage each of you to go to
John’s issues link and also to take the time to listen to some of his speeches.
With the wonderful world of Cyber Space, John has the ability to make his
speeches available to you to hear his positions; straight from his lips to your
ears. I hope this website and links will
help you form your own opinion with regard to John being the right man for
John, like every human being, is not perfect, but he is a man
after God’s own heart. We know that
according to God’s word, “man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at
the heart.” 1 SAMUEL 16:7. God knows John’s heart more then I could ever know it, but after a
26 year long relationship, I can share with each of you that John’s heart is
good and it is kind and it is fair. John and I both believe
with all our hearts that with God, all things are possible. With God, our
PLEASE COME BACK AND VISIT ME AGAIN: I want to thank you for
coming to visit me today and I hope you will come back soon to visit as I hope
to share periodic journal entries of our experiences during our campaign travel
through Kentucky and the U.S. Senate Candidate Race. If you have any questions
or concerns that you would like to share with either John or myself you can
email us at
Don’t forget to catch John’s speeches and check out his state and national
issues, positions and solutions.
May God bless you and keep you.
June Geiman-Stephenson