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John Stephenson Official U.S. Senate Campaign 2010 Website


Kentucky Tea Party Debate


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For Immediate Release:


The United States Senator Campaign for John Stephenson, the Republican Primary, May 18, 2010 has issued the attached release regarding the recent Kentucky Tea Party Debate


Place:   Evangel Conference Center, 6900 Billtown Road


Date:  Saturday March 13, 2010   10AM to 12 noon


Result:  Forum guided by gross unfairness, discrimination, and bias.  Threat tactics, intimidation and menacing of candidates used to prevent formal U. S. Senate candidates from speaking.  Rand Paul was quoted by Herald Leader reporter, Jack Brammer, with regard to Paul’s refusal to debate at the Metropolitan Republican Women’s Club today because Paul viewed the event as an “impartial venue” . What about the “impartial venue” Dr. Paul just participated in with the Kentucky Tea Party and other participating  groups? (See Saturday filming of Tea Party event via


John Stephenson challenges every Republican U. S. Senate candidate to a debate to be held in each of the six Congressional Districts.


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Registered Republican U. S. Senate candidates, John Stephenson and Gurley Martin, finally get to speak in Louisville at the Kentucky Tea Party event, after Tea Party Organizers only give Rand Paul one hour and fourteen minutes to speak, with question and answers segment. “I made a promise to the Lord not to attack my opponents.  I made no promise not to defend my freedom of speech and fair play under our Constitution,” Candidate Stephenson said. Kentucky Tea Party “debate/forum” was held 3-13-10 at the Evangel World Prayer Conference Center.  Blue Grass Institute Director, Jim Waters, served as emcee, informing the audience that all candidates were invited. Only space and time was given on the platform to Rand Paul. The organizers tried to relegate the other Republican U.S. Senate candidates to “stay” off the stage and speak from the floor for their “three minutes”. There was no debate or a fair, inclusive open forum with other present U.S. Senate candidates. Dr. Rand Paul “left the building” as Candidate Stephenson was called forward. Mr. Stephenson said, “I can’t help but recall a question posed by a woman in the audience. Her questions to Dr. Paul was, ‘What do you say about the charges that you have been associated with organizations that are sympathetic to Hitler and Nazism?’ Dr. Paul denied the charges and I took him at his word. However, when Dr. Paul, as a fellow candidate, allowed this travesty to take place, it reminded me of how many German citizens turned their heads away while millions of innocent people were being murdered in their backyards. I would never take part in any event where fellow candidates, patriots or any citizen were treated so disrespectfully and with threat of force,” said Mr.  Stephenson.  The microphone was cut off before Mr. Stephenson had a minute and a half to speak.  The organizers’ staff continued to turn off the mike, disrupting Mr. Stephenson’s speech. Every legitimate Tea Party member and citizen should stand behind every candidate and allow them equality and fairness, to be heard by participating Tea Party Members. John Stephenson said, “This is the very reason our founding fathers threw out the British rule because of taxation WITHOUT REPRESENTATION.”  Like Patrick Henry, Stephenson’s cry is a familiar one of past patriots, "Give me liberty or give me death!" As a former  History teacher, Mr. Stephenson reports, “ Hitler came into power in Germany, bringing his thugs ‘to stifle’ any dissenters who would dare run for office  or against the powers to be, or even to speak or present their ideas about a better government and its problems.”  The organizers and leadership of the Kentucky Tea Party unfairly and unjustly and unequally treated Mr. Martin and Mr. Stephenson. This type of behavior will continue to fuel inequality in the electoral process and only foster continued injustice for every  average middle class citizen. “At this point I would caution all citizens to beware of this Tea Party’s goals.  The devil you get might be worse than the devil you think you have. This Tea Party event leadership, Dr. Frank Simon, Kentucky Tea Party President, Mr. Jim Waters, Blue Grass Institute, Dan Blanchard, Louisville Tea Party, Bobby Alexander, Central Kentucky Tea Party Patriots, Sheri Quinn, Louisville Tea Party, and ‘the bouncers’  should ‘equally’ hide their heads in shame for allowing such treatment of any formal candidate while claiming non-partisanship,” reported Mr. Stephenson. The greatest irony and disappointment to Candidate Stephenson was that this atrocity took place in a Christian facility. Mr. Stephenson asks the question, “What would Jesus have done? We all know that answer!” Mr. Stephenson had video recorded the event in order to add this day’s speech to his campaign website.

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